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50 Cent, Yung Joc, dentated edge and great Boi left night 50 cent freestyle Thursday in Atlanta for two excited festejos that baptized the new label of EEC-Low registry, files of Radiculture. In the first event, carried out in the corridor of the reception of the place of Lambert, the screens video demonstrated diverse extracts of the EEC-Low race, of the multitude of Goodie to Gnarls Barkley. Partygoers walked under a yellow way of the brick and was greeted by the dressed agents as Beetlejuice and yaws “of the family of Addams.” Afterparty 50 cent freestyle was maintained in the hall loto and had an adornment of Cirque de Soleil. Dancing ignited there up to 3 mornings…

The panic in Disco is hard in the work on 50 cent freestyle the recordativa letter to its principle 2005, a fever of the violent breakage which you cannot sweat towards outside, according to its one in charge. The dandies of Fertile valleys have written eight songs for yet-untitled the album and until are now roofed with slate to begin to follow the new consonancias the 1 of June. Any date of the launching yet for the LP has not paid attention. …

What in the Earth Snoop Dogg has in common with 50 cent freestyle denier and historian extensively discredited David Irving de Holocaust? Australian prime minister John Howard again did the strange comparison Thursday, to say the blockade of the federal government of Snoop to enter the country the month last due to the recent convictions in loads of the weapon and of drugs he is similar to the refusal of Australia to allow to Irving in Australia in 1994, according to the daily telegraph. Prime minister said to student in a school in Canberra that Snoop is 50 cent freestyle a man of the poor character and which “we must take a support in those editions.” Howard made the comparison previously when rapper the country for the concessions was denied to visa to the visit video of the music of MTV Australia.

The crow of Sheryl has adopted boy and it has named it Wyatt Steven, the singer/composer announced in its 50 cent freestyle Web site Friday (the 11 of May). “We are enjoying a certain hour very deprived of the family. Just it wished dejarte to know,” to read the post. The boy, who has been singing this was born for two weeks, is his first one. … Friday, plaintiffs of Boston infame of the guerrilla-commercialization of the adolescent force of the hunger of the Aqua both fell criminal loads against men behind “of the campaign” that that lead to a series of scares of the pump in January, the globe of Boston discloses. Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens finished to their service of community, creating a mural for the hospital of the rehabilitation of Spaulding and helping to maintain your soft navigators in the river of Charles. The men apologized by the 50 cent freestyle incident before the court. …

The Mel Gibson gained the praise of the judge in Malibu, California, Friday to adhere his cut-assigned the treatment of the alcoholism by the mandate after being arrested to the lead drunk in July, according to the pressure of the associate. The agent of Director/el did not take the care from 50 cent freestyle the hearing, but superior judge Lorenzo Mira of the cut said that he wished to see that he before the cut in certain point “to assure us is everything in the same page.” Lawyer Blair Berk de Gibson said that she filed a report with the cut that she demanded that she was satisfied to his program with rehab. … They have loaded to Jason Wahler with the accounts of the misdemeanor of the assault, the criminal infraction and of smaller importance than they exhibited the effects of the alcohol that it came an incident the last one from the month in Seattle, information of TMZ.com. The lawyer of the city of Seattle wishes “to star of the beach of the lagoon” to the service 10 days in jail, to pay $4,500 fine ones and to 50 cent freestyle incorporate a program of rehab. Wahler, of which it has arrested three times as of September, had been taken happened towards the outside drunk in a corridor after perforating a protector of the security of the hotel. He was 20 when they arrested it in April.

The park and brown the 5 of Linkin are obtaining the last laughter. The balance beam hard-axes will be 50 cent freestyle made in the episode of “the alive” night of Saturday of this weekend, that is being received by the Molly Shannon of the student, whereas sidle of the will of the team of Adam Levine until Zach Braff for the final program of the station the 19 of May. … The series of PBS “Soundstage” has aligned to executants for his fifth station. To hope to see the gray of Macy.

The taxi of the death for Ben Gibbard de Cutie has a new companion of the “office”, apparently. Juan Krasinski - who the stars as Jim Halpert in the demonstration of the TV - did a brief aspect of onstage with the night of Gibbard Thursday in Washington, club of s 9:30 of the C.C. ', of the “information of today of blog caramel of the outbreak” of the E.E.U.U. Both sprinkled 50 cent freestyle briefly with Wilco a song, according to the ventilator considers - Gibbard has a paper in the next film “interviews of Krasinski of the writing with the horrible men.” … The Decemberists has done a name for themselves digging in everything of prog-people to the sounds of klezmer and beyond. But how on classic music? The group will appear with a support of orchestra in five demonstrations this summer, that will offer the songs of the bandage with new adjustments 50 cent freestyle .

What Mariah Sea turtle, the boy of the destiny and the girls of the spice have in common with the underground artists like the will Oldham, Superchunk and Jim O'Rourke? Something, finally: The last artists cover the previous ones in the unusual culpability with Association, 28 of August due of the compilation. Also the oases of the cover of Devendra Banhart are offered in the system “do not watch behind in rage,” version of Martin Suzuki of the song of Cher “hardly like Jesse James,” watt of Mike approaching the blue cult of Öyster “that is burned for you,” as well as interpretations sugar of the boy of 50 cent freestyle the fall towards outside “, we are Goin swallow,” sheer system Suey” and “to break themselves of a plain of “freely” of “Musical comedy of the High secondary School.” … An extended edition of luxury of masterpiece 1988 of Sonic youth, soña wide-awake the nation, will be reedited the 12 of June like a system of two-CD. The improved system packs the original album on a CD and adds “alive soña wide-awake” the disc - with the cuts of the concert of each track of the album, plus the covers of Beatles, Mudhoney, the young person and Beefheart captain de Neil warm up ringtone - like premium.

They offer in queen the death of V or Glory the rage against the Morello de Tom of the machine and to the guitarist alive Vernon Reid of the color, 19 of June due. Morello, which it invited queen V who was made in her axis of the trip of justice after seeing her game in Los Angeles, handles to the guitar in the track “my machine,” whereas Reid contributes a single one to “one and only.” … The crow 50 cent freestyle of Sheryl, Elvis Costello and the Billy Bob Thornton is between the offered artists ignition anchored in love: A tribute to the cash of Wagon 50 cent June, 19 of June due. A biography written by his only son with the cash of Johnny, cash of Wagon Juan, strikes shelves he himself day. … The clogging of per will publish it a system of the box of the operations of the bandage in the amphitheatre of the Gorge in George, Washington. Alive titled in the Gorge, the system is a compilation of three diverse concerts, extension through seven CDes, and will strike the warehouses the 26 of June. … The joined delicious Jackson is operation occupied in a new LP - an album of the children, no less - but the Co-founder Glaser Gabby still is finding hour to walk outside towards with his own the principle solo. His I wade blurred of Gimme of the effort of the garage-rock is the 26 of June due in Latchkey.

Michael Moore is whipping towards outside in the administration of Bush on an investigation of the department of the Property of the E.E.U.U that is escudriñando a trip that he took 50 cent freestyle Cuba earlier this year. The awarded documentary film director of the controversial academy took to life-guard 9/11 patients to the country so that the treatment and the plans include a segment in the trip in their next exhibition of the health-care, “Sicko.” “I understand because the administration is coming from Bush after I - I have tried to help the same people that they reject to help, but until George W. Bush prohibits to help your man of the companion, there am broken no law to me and I do not have anything to hide,” Moore said in a post in the liberal Web site DailyKos.com. “For five and one half of the years, the administration of Bush has made case and has not neglected heroes of the community of 9/11. They have let these first heroic responders to separate for themselves, without cover and care.” According to the AP, the 50 cent freestyle civil employees of the Property they would not make any observation respect the letter.

50 cent was born into aristocratic privilege, the daughter of Viscount Althorp, on July 1, 1961 at the remote and spacious family estate near Sandringham in Norfolk. Her parents divorced when she was 50 cent still a child, leaving Diana and her siblings in the care of her father and his second wife. She was a shy child, unhappy about the absence of her mother, and early on developed a passion for children, which led her to become a nursery school teacher in London. At 18, she re-met Prince Charles, 13 years her senior and heir to the British throne, whom she had known slightly in childhood. Maathai has not only had the courage to stand up for her beliefs, but she has risked her life for her beliefs. In 1992, Maathai was hospitalized after she was beaten unconscious by police during a hunger strike, which was not the first time she has been assaulted. Seven 50 cent freestyle years later, when the Movement attempted to replace trees cut by real estate developers, Maathai and her group were attacked, leaving her head gashed and many of her supporters injured. On some occasions law enforcement officers have simply looked the other way. At one time Amnesty International sponsored a letter writing campaign to the Kenyan government and President Arap Moi to get her freed. Under constant threats so serious that for a time she was forced to go into hiding, she has never given up her cause. Although Bao Lord had no official title ringtone in the diplomatic corps, she was an invaluable assistant to her husband during this period, which was an especially difficult one for the rulers of China. By the end of Lord's stay in Beijing, the city was in the midst of the student-led pro-democracy movement. Lin devotes considerable time to overseeing the many details and finishing touches of each of her works. When not on-site, she works in an office, a nondescript room in an old building in New York, or in a house she owns in Vermont, where she creates her abstract or nonrepresentational sculptural pieces. Having endured such harsh reactions to her work, Lin stays out of the public eye as much as possible. In 1989 Lin decided she would no longer create monuments, since that was becoming the only thing she was associated with and she wanted to do other things. Consequently, during the 1990s she was involved with many projects, including eight public commissions. Ross recognized that the Republican-dominated 50 cent freestyle legislature had little reason to cooperate with her. On some issues, such as banking reform, she was able to work out compromises with Republican leaders. In a few instances, she used the veto. She believed that her veto of a bill requiring a special election (rather than appointment by the governor) to fill a vacancy in Wyoming's delegation to the United States Senate caused her defeat in 1926. This change reflected the increasing role Roosevelt played in her husband's policy decisions. More than anyone in the White House, she brought the cause of the oppressed to her husband's attention. She championed the struggle of Appalachian farmers to reclaim their land, and she made sure African Americans were receiving relief from New Deal programs. She met her future husband, Paul Robeson, in 1920 at Presbyterian Hospital where she had secured a student job in the surgical pathological laboratory. Also a student at Columbia, Paul Robeson was 50 cent freestyle enrolled in the law school and was hospitalized with a football injury when they met. The two were married 50 cent on August 17, 1921, and she continued to work at the hospital until 1925. In 1920, largely at his wife's insistence, Paul Robeson accepted the title role in a Harlem YMCA production of Simon the Cyrenian. He later appeared in Taboo and performed in London when the play went on the road in 1922. In the years immediately following her marriage, Robeson's life revolved largely around her husband's career when, after completing his law degree and working briefly at the law firm of a friend, he turned permanently to a career in performance as both an actor and a singer. Robeson was born Eslanda Cardozo Goode in Washington, D.C., on December 15, 1896. Known as "Essie" to her family and friends, Robeson was the youngest of three children and was the only daughter of Eslanda (Cardozo), a one-time schoolteacher, and John J. Goode, a U.S. War Department clerk who died when his daughter was four. Robeson's father was a mixture of Native American, English, and Scotch. Rankin's brother Wellington had urged her to vote for war, but she replied that sentiment in Montana was against U.S. involvement. She later released a statement in which she explained her position: "I knew that we were 50 cent freestyle asked to vote ringtone for a commercial war, that none of the idealistic hopes would be carried out, and I was aware of the falseness of much of the propaganda. It was easy to stand against the pressure of the militarists, but very difficult to go against the friends and dear ones who felt that I was making a needless sacrifice by voting against the war, since my vote would not be a decisive one.... I said I would listen to those who wanted war and would not vote until the last opportunity and if I could see any reason for going to war I would change it." "I hope this album shocks people who think they know who I am or what I'm about," Pink said in comments included on her official website. Indeed, she cowrote many of its songs, producing very personal, introspective lyrics—songs like "Don't Let Me Get Me," about self-loathing, and "Family Portrait," about her parents' messy divorce; when they finally heard the song both "cried for days," according to her website. In "My Vietnam," she goes "over the top," according to Farber in Entertainment Weekly, comparing her own troubles to the war. While the album "lack[s] adult depth," Farber continued, Pink "captures girlish confusion with greater accuracy and delight than Alanis Morissette's supposed bible of the form, Jagged Little Pill." Critic Smith Galtney wrote in Time Out New York: "Although not quite as great as some reviews would have you believe, M!ssundaztood is still pretty ... good." The 50 cent freestyle album's first single, "Get the Party Started," written by Perry, climbed high on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. eannette Rankin was the first woman to serve in the U.S. Congress — and one of the first women in the world to be elected to a major legislative body — at a time when women could not even vote in most states in the United States. A lifelong pacifist, she voted against U.S. entry into both World War I and World War II, becoming the only member of Congress to do so. She also led a resistance movement against U.S. involvement in Vietnam. After the second roll call Rankin voted "No." Although 55 male members of the Senate and House had also opposed going to war, Rankin's vote received the most attention. According to some unverified reports, she had acted "just like a woman" and cried as she cast her vote. Amid calls for her resignation, several suffragist groups in New York even canceled her speaking engagements. Her mother was descended from a wealthy Spanish-Jewish immigrant who, against all social taboos, had boldly married an octoroon (someone of one eighth black ancestry) slave. Thus, 50 cent although she was a Negro, Robeson was very light-skinned in appearance. After the death of her father, she and her brothers were raised by their mother who brought them to New York where she operated a beauty shop in order to support them. The next move was to Chicago in 1912. Robeson then assumed the role of 50 cent freestyle his manager and handled the family finances. When her husband gained international renown, she followed him in his travels across Europe. Throughout her reign as First Lady, she argued against all forms of discrimination. Roosevelt was especially concerned with the condition of America's youth during the Depression. In 1935 she helped found the National Youth Administration, which gave thousands ringtone of high school and college students part-time work. Wyoming's elderly Republican senator had been reelected only a short time earlier, and it was believed that he would not live to complete his term. Republicans did not want their Democratic governor to have the opportunity to appoint a Democrat to the position. She renovated two floors of a building in New York City for a new Museum of African Art. She designed several private residences. A great honor came Lin's way when she was asked by Yale to create a sculpture to commemorate women at the university. She designed a three-foot-high table of green granite. A funnel-shaped hole in the table allows water to seep through. On top is a spiral of numbers, which begin with zero and run into the thousands, indicating the number of women who have attended Yale over the years. The Women's Table stands in front of the university's Sterling Memorial Library. Still, 50 cent freestyle so much of her work is so public and so innovative that publicity is hard to avoid. Much of the debate centering on her efforts comes from the difficulty people have in categorizing them as architecture or sculpture. Lin has seemed to take advantage of this confusion as she continues to create the unexpected in hope that she will further involve and move those who view her work. Irene D. Long (born 1951), who was the first African American female chief of the Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Office at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is one of the highest-ranking professional women at the Kennedy Space Center. Lord's ambassadorship ended in April of 1989, but Bao Lord stayed behind to help interpret events for CBS News. She had left, however, by the weekend of June 3rd, when government troops massacred hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unarmed students in Tiananmen Square. In Currents Magazine she reflects that "Despite continuing and constant opposition, the movement grows and expands. It shows that something can be done. Sometimes I marvel at the work we've done, despite the fact that maybe 50 cent half of our time is spent just trying to survive. I wonder what we would have achieved if the government was supporting us instead of intimidating us." Murasaki Shikibu was 50 cent freestyle a Japanese writer of the late Heian period. Her book, The Tale of Genji, is the world's first psychological novel and one of the longest and most distinguished masterpieces of Japanese literature. Their courtship became public, and she had the first taste of the media circus that was to dog her every move for the rest of her life. On July 29, 1981, three weeks before her twentieth birthday, Diana married her prince—the ringtone first English woman in 300 years to become the wife of a future English king—in a wedding aptly described by the Archbishop of Canterbury as "the stuff of which fairy tales are made." The ceremony took place before an overflowing congregation of some 2,500 in London's St. Paul's Cathedral and drew a record-breaking global radio and television audience of nearly one billion. A worldwide media event, the wedding affirmed Diana's value as an internationally marketable personality whose image soon appeared not only in magazines, newspapers, and television programs across the globe, but also adorned an unending stream of merchandise ranging from postage stamps to coffee mugs.

The exact 50 cent freestyle dates of the life of Lady Murasaki are not known, nor is her name. Shikibu, a title, may refer to her father, who served in the Ministry of Ceremonial, or of Rites (Shikibu Sh). The name Murasaki, literally "Violet," could refer to one of the heroines of The Tale of Genji or to the first element of her maiden name, Fujiwara, one of the greatest names in Japanese history. As director of the Mint, Ross dealt with the American gold and silver bullion reserve and the minting of coins for the United States and several foreign governments. Appointed in 1933, she served as the Mint's first woman director. At that time, huge quantities of gold and silver poured into the U.S. government's coffers. Ross discovered that most of the work was still being done by hand and directed that the process be automated. She emphasized efficiency and was able to 50 cent reduce the costs of her operation significantly. The King family, not satisfied with these findings, filed a wrongful death suit against a former restaurant owner who says he was paid to plan the killing. In December 1999, a Tennessee jury found that the 1968 ringtone assassination was the result of a conspiracy and had not been accomplished by a single killer. "I began writing when I was nine.... I was in fourth grade and all of a sudden this poem started coming out of me. On and on I 50 cent freestyle went, oblivious to everything, and when it was over I had written 30 verses. It is a bad habit that doesn't go away." Maxine Hong Kingston is a highly acclaimed writer of both fiction and nonfiction and was one of the first Asian Americans to make it to the top of the literary world in America. Her first book, a memoir published in 1976 called The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, won the National Book Critic's Circle Award and made her a literary celebrity at the age of 36. Kingston has since written two other critically hailed books. China Men, a sequel to The Woman Warrior, was published in 1980 and also received the National Book Critic's Circle Award; and in 1989 Kingston published her first novel, Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book. Kingston's writing is often cited for its melodiousness and poetry. In January 1984, Dandridge finally received the recognition she had long deserved when her gold star was unveiled on Hollywood Boulevard's Walk of Fame. A crowd of fans of all ages attended the ceremony, joined by a number of prominent black actors and actresses, including her former co-stars Belafonte and Poitier. As her biographer, Donald Bogle, noted in Essence, they had gathered there to honor "a pioneer" who "cleared a path for so many to follow" with her determination to make something 50 cent freestyle more of herself than society was ready to accept. "After all these years," ringtone concludes Bogle, "there still has never been another woman in American motion pictures quite like Dorothy Dandridge." The most charismatic and publicly adored member of the British royal family, Diana, Princess of Wales not only imposed her own distinctly modern style and attitudes on Great Britain's traditionalist monarchy, but served to plunge that institution into its lowest level of public unpopularity, fueling support for Republicanism and, after her 50 cent death, forcing the Royal family to moderate its aloof image. However, as a glamorous and sympathetic icon of an image-driven and media-fueled culture, Diana's celebrity status and considerable influence traveled across continents. Her fame, matched by only a handful of women during the twentieth century, notably Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly), made her a significant popular figure in the United States, where her visits were welcomed with the fervor once reserved for the most famous stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Diana was the most photographed woman in the world, and from the time of her marriage to her premature and appalling death in 1997, she forged a public persona that blended her various roles as princess, wife, mother, goodwill ambassador for England, and international humanitarian. Diana's fortuitous combination of beauty and glamour, her 50 cent freestyle accessible, sympathetic, and vulnerable personality, and an ability to convey genuine concern for the affairs of ordinary people and the world's poor and downtrodden, set her apart decisively from the distant formality of the British monarchy. She became an object of near-worship, and her lasting fame was ensured. Ironically, the intense media attention and public adulation that came to define her life were widely blamed for the circumstances of her death. Her untimely demise, however, served only to amplify the public's romantic perception of her as a modern goddess cruelly destroyed by a faithless husband, unsympathetic in-laws, and prying paparazzi. The life and death of the Princess of Wales, is, indeed, a monument to sad contradictions and ironies. The New York Times Book Review commented, "The Woman Warrior is about being Chinese in the way that [the James Joyce novel] Portrait of the Artist [as a Young Man] is about being Irish. It is an investigation of soul, not landscape. Its sources are dream and memory, myth and desire. Its crises are the crises of a heart in exile from roots that bind and terrorize it." Kingston's father, Tom Hong, and her mother, Chew Ling Yan, were both Chinese immigrants. They operated a gambling house in Stockton, California, when Maxine was born in 1940. (She was named after a gambler who always won.) Shortly after her birth, the family opened a laundry where she and 50 cent freestyle her five ringtone brothers and sisters joined their parents in working long, arduous hours. Kingston attended public schools, where she was an excellent student. After graduation, with the help of 11 scholarships, she enrolled in the University of California at Berkeley, one of the finest public colleges in the country. She at first intended to study engineering, but changed her major to English literature. After her childhood, with its long, hard hours of labor, leaving 50 cent the engineering program felt irresponsible to the young woman; she had come to believe that everything had to be difficult, and English was easy for her. In 1950, she informed an astonished Congressional Appropriations Committee that she had not needed all of her previous year's appropriation and wanted to return about $1 million of her $4.8 million appropriation. Her efficiency plans reduced the labor needs of the mint and resulted in the discharge of about 3,000 of the Mint's 4,000 employees. She continued as director of the Mint in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations and was not replaced until the Republican administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower came to power in 1952. Ross continued to make her home in Washington, District of Columbia, until her death on December 19, 1977. Murasaki was born into a lesser but 50 cent freestyle distinguished and cultured branch of the Fujiwara family in the last quarter of the 10th century. Her father, Fujiwara Tamatoki, an official and poet, was at one time a provincial governor; his grandfather was a poet. In 1990 Antonia Novello (born 1944) became the first female United States Surgeon General; she was also the first Hispanic in history to win the appointment to this nationally prominent government office. During her three-year term, Novello won praise ringtone for her campaigns targeting America's youth, especially her crusade against underage tobacco use. The former pediatrician used her post to voice criticism of tobacco companies and their marketing strategies; a few years after Novello's tenure, strict legislation was enacted to drastically curb teenagers' access to cigarettes.

Besides helping women, the Green Belt Movement under Maathai set out to integrate physically challenged young people by discouraging them from migrating to urban areas to seek employment. Instead they stay home to care for trees in their communities. They also receive training to become Green Belt Rangers, who monitor progress, care for the trees, and advise on local problems. Maathai's crusade began while she was doing 50 cent freestyle field work, tracking down the life cycle of a tick. She realized that the mites were not the problem, rather, it was the degraded environment which was affecting the resistance of animals living in the habitat. She could not believe the loss of exotic species incurred by cutting down indigenous forests. A witness to soil erosion caused by treeless environments, she felt compelled to do something to save the earth. In 1004 Murasaki's father was appointed governor of the province of Echizen, 80 miles from the capital, a great distance in the 11th century. Arrangements were made for Murasaki to enter the service of Akiko, the young consort of Emperor Ichijo, as lady-in-waiting. Compounding Novello's burden was the death of her father when she was eight. Her mother—a teacher who later became a high school principal—was told that her daughter could have an operation to correct the procedure. Yet it never happened. "The university hospital was in the north, I was 32 miles away, my mother could only take me on Saturday, so the surgery was never done," Novello explained in an interview with Saturday Evening Post writer Carol Krucoff. "I do believe some people fall through the cracks," Novello continued. "I was one of those. I thought, when I grow up, no other person is going to wait 18 years for ringtone surgery." Still, Novello is grateful to her mother for not allowing her to feel sorry for herself because of her condition. Instead of 50 cent freestyle pampering her, Ana Flores—who had remarried—pushed her child to succeed academically, and Novello graduated from high school at the age of 15. She then enrolled at the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Pedras, and it was there that she finally grew weary of her long-term condition. The hospital treatments remedied her occasionally distended stomach—but as she explained to the Saturday Evening Post, "By the time I was 18, it was not good to have those big bellies one month that are, in the next month, flat." Murasaki's diary, begun in 1008 and continued for 2 years thereafter, recounts her life at court. At the death of Emperor Ichijo in 1011, the Empress, with her suite of ladies, went into retirement. At this time Murasaki's father was appointed governor of the province of Echigo; in 1016 he retired from the world to take holy orders. Little or nothing of Murasaki's life is positively known from the time she entered the service of Empress Akiko. Murasaki is thought to have died about 1031. The English nurse Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was the founder of modern nursing and made outstanding contributions to knowledge of public health. During a State of the World Forum conference, she told Marc Ian Barasch, "I went from purest academia to working directly with people." Soon afterward Maathai took over the leadership 50 cent ringtone of National Council of Women of Kenya, (NCWK) and introduced the idea of planting trees as a way of conserving 50 cent freestyle the environment. It was that simple, as she commented in Currents: "The earth was naked. For me the mission was to try to cover it up with green." The first tree planting campaign was called Save the Land Harambee, Swahili for "let's pull together." Community members were encouraged to plant trees in public land to form green belts of trees. This campaign was so successful and the idea spread so fast that the Green Belt Movement (GBM) was born. The GBM and NCWK have since worked hand-in-hand, promoting tree planting and providing a forum for women's leadership development training. This project has saved many physically challenged youth from winding up unemployed and living in squatter camps in the city. Instead, they are provided with a rewarding experience that also enhances their self-esteem. Involving the whole range of the population—school children, women, farmers, and the physically challenged—can and ringtone has made an immeasurable contribution to societal needs and conservation.